Can a fast-unto-death by a 73 year old ex-army man lead to historic step towards abolishing corruption?? I BELIEVE IT CAN.
And the government also believes the same- Anna’s LOKPAL BILL will expose the atrocious amassment of wealth by top notch beaurocrats and politicians. Corruption in India has made global headlines more frequently than ever in the last year. Anna Hazare's initiative, therefore, comes at a time when our country's image has taken a beating. With the tabling of an effective Lokpal bill, India can well be on its way to salvaging its reputation(thank the latest 2G, CWG, ADARSH HOUSING etc scams for the tarnish in our reputation).
The wealth of the AAM JUNTA has been plundered and vandalized by these worthless s******s. India may have got freedom in 1947 but we Indians are still the slaves of corruption. Today, out of 543 MPs in Lok Sabha, 315 are crorepatis. That's 60%. 43 out of the 54 newly elected Rajya Sabha MPs are also millionaires. And no,I'm not even mentioning that 150MPs elected last year have criminal cases against them, with 73 serious cases ranging from rape to murder. Do you really think these people deserve to earn 104 times what the average Indian earns? Being a MP gives you certain immunities, not all of them meant to be discussed in a public forum.
“ Power does not corrupt men; Fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.”
George Bernard Shaw’s quote exactly describes the chaos in our country and the prowess of these politicians. But we are also the one’s to be blamed for our misery. How many of us go to vote for the right candidate? We celebrate holidays during elections and stay at home fearing an outbreak of violence. An unworthy candidate, then gets the power to milk out as much money possible, after getting elected. “Mere ek vote se kya fark pad jaayega? Saare hi corrupt hai, kya faayda??” Has it not been most of our views?? We fail to realize that each vote would make a difference to 1.2 billion people in our nation and prevent those unworthy vandals to plunder the wealth accumulated due to back breaking taxes paid by us. The vote would atleast elect ANDHON MEIN KAANA RAJA(some better person out of the rotten ones).
“Is desh ka kuch nai ho sakta”. This is one dialogue which angers me like crazy. Nothing is perfect in the world. We need to make it perfect . When have we taken responsibility for what is happening? Never, isn’t it? Why don’t we take up the responsibility of cleansing the nation of these wealth /economy sucking politicians? Why are we hesitant to be a part of defense, politics, beaurocracy and make our nation divert towards prosperity instead of poverty? We have grown up hearing India will be a super power by 2000, then 2015, now 2022…… When will it be developed? And by being developed, it doesn’t mean exquisite malls with theatres screening 3D, 5D movies or nuclear powers; It means rural upliftment, education , employment. Freedom from the shackles of fear of Maoists, honour killings, child marriages(still rampant in Rajasthan), dowry etc.
I do not want my kids to hear the same that I have been hearing and suffer the way we are. Will you like it if our kids also grow up hearing India is a developing country and will be a developed nation by……??
It is time we take charge, do something worthwhile for our nation. Our freedom fighters did not give up their lives for this day. Atleast respect their sacrifice. If Egypt, Libya can overthrow dictatorship which lasted for decades, why cant we?? Let us all raise our voices in support of a movement that will bring transparency. Let us support Anna by taking small steps – spread awareness about JAN LOKPAL BILL, and if possible, participate with him. The Mumbai DABBAWALAS are pledging full support, are you ready?
Because Neil Armstrong said- “ It may be a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind”.
Priyanka Deb
Priyanka Deb